Monday, June 17, 2013

Silly bitches......

They farther along I get in this pregnancy, the more I pity those women out there that are just starting the parenting journey. 

It's funny, cause they sometimes have this air of they made the better, wiser choice by waiting till 30 to start their families. 

They are SOOO sadly mistaken. 

If I would have known that I was going to feel like THIS, I would have been done with my last one. I was pooped with her, but it was nothing like this. 

There is a big difference. A huge difference really, in how I felt with my first pregnancy as 22, compared to how I feel with my last at 30. 

I gotta tell ya, I would NOT change a thing about when I started having kids. If I would have started NOW, we would be a one child family. 

I am tired and irritable ALL THE TIME!!! My whole body is sore and my feet feel like they have never known comfort or support. 

My boobs are KILLING ME. They feel like they weigh a ton and are ready to burst with just one rough squeeze. 

I am ALWAYS hungry and I just know that I am going to have to quit eating after I have this baby....I am already HUGE!!

I started showing way early, and already every movement is a struggle. 

I feel like a practicing porn star too! Not that my husband minds, but suddenly I have an insatiable appetite....for him.....and I want to "try new stuff". Which basically translates to "things are getting kinky". 

My kids are on me like flies on shit too!!! They swear I am going somewhere important without them, when really I just have to pee. 

Oh lordy...yes, I feel for all those 30 year old first timers out there. You may think I started to young....but I have news for you.....YOU STARTED TO OLD SUCKERS!!!!

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