Thursday, March 7, 2013

Bubba future romantic hero!

ps2011-04-20_15-27-34 The Bubba Boy. My first born. My only boy. He's that little sparkle you see in my eyes, the thought that has me smiling, for what you think, is no reason. The story of "Us", started a little over 8 years ago.

On December 2nd of 2004, I went to my doctor to get some birth control. To sum THAT up, I came out of that appointment.....nearly 3 months pregnant!! It was a complete surprise, but a very happy one for me!

To understand my joy, you need to first understand me. I am NOT a traditionalist, never really have been. I know that very many of you, believe that things should happen in a specific order. The most common order being: school-career-marriage-children. I was taught to follow that order, but I didn't believe in it. For me, school came first, followed by career then children. You might be thinking that I missed something, but you'd be wrong, cause' I didn't! Marriage was not an important step to me. At that time, I had seen several marriages fail. I had witnessed the effects of abusive and/or generally unhappy marriages, not just on the adults, but on the children involved as well. It was very unappealing to me, the whole idea of it. Paying thousands of dollars for a piece of paper and some pictures. Only to spend thousands more to throw all that out?? No, thanks, I'll pass!

So when I learned I was pregnant, by someone I was dating with no intentions of EVER marrying (yea, I am talking about my HUSBAND), I was okay with it! My, not so much, but they got over the initial shock fairly quickly. So there I was, pregnant and loving it.

My 1st pregnancy was AMAZING! I had almost no symptoms (Hubby got ALL of them), no pain or swelling. It was pregnancy bliss! July 14th, my due date, arrived, but he did not. I tried everything! Walking, pedicures, spicy foods, long baths.....EVERYTHING!! He would not budge. Sometime around 3 or 4 am, on my 4th day past due, I'd had enough! I woke Hubby up and we tried the one thing that came highly recommend, but that I had just been to uncomfortable to even think!! Nearly three hours worth of it! Worked like a charm. We went in for a stress test at 9 am and I was told that I was 5cm dilated, go straight to the not pass go, do not collect 200!!

An emergency cesarean section!! His heart rate keep skipping so they took him, only to find that he had the cord wrapped around his hands....playing tug-o-war!!! None of that mattered once I saw him. He was PERFECT!! Tiny and adorable and mine!

As a baby, he was so much fun. It was the two of us, getting to know each other. I loved him more than I had ever thought I was capable. I would have (and still would) gladly died the most horrible of deaths, repeatedly, for this tiny person I hadn't known but a short time.

The years that have passed, have been an abundance of wonderful moments. My son is a phenomenal little man. He is charming, sensitive, intelligent, silly, cuddly.....just all around amazing!! He has the most lovely and genuinely kind heart. He makes me proud and has me smiling and laughing all the time. He was a VERY happy accident!!

So that is the story of my Bubba Boy and I. I am sure, that one day, there will be hoards of little whores surrounding my home like hyenas. Bubba will slay them all till he finds Madame Perfecta. My little romantic hero!!

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